CASE STUDY: Thames Water’s Mogden Sewage Treatment Works (STW)

Aqua Enviro completed a detailed flow and load survey at Thames Water’s Mogden Sewage Treatment Works which incorporated over 60 sample points, producing 1600 samples, analysed for over 7000 determinands during the 11 day survey period.

We provided a fully managed site service, installing flow-monitoring and sampling equipment at strategic locations throughout the STW during a two-day setup period. Health and safety was managed in direct liaison both with Thames Water’s operational and engineering staff. Works were completed during the Rugby World Cup 2015 which created additional challenges, not least site access constraints during match days.

“I’ve been incredibly impressed with the team, in so far as their ability to quickly gain a reasonably good understanding of a complex works, their rapid response to minor operational changes on site and willingness to adjust the sampling plan to ensure the best outcome. Rowland and his team have fully embraced Thames Water’s safety culture and completed the site work with Zero incidents, Zero harm and Zero compromise. I look forward to receiving the results and final report.”

Tregan Ru, Senior Engineer at Thames Water

Mogden STW is the second largest sewage treatment works in the UK, treating wastewater from nearly 2.0 million population equivalents and a catchment area of approximately 160 square miles. Plant monitored at the works included five banks of Primary Settlement Tanks, five banks of Activated Sludge with associated Final Settlement Tanks. Sludge thickening processes and anaerobic digesters are also monitored with sludge cake and return liquors collected off-site from a nearby dedicated dewatering facility.


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Paul Pickard

Technical Sales Manager

01924 242255

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